No Wifi on/off toggle | No internet connections available - Windows 8

Hi guys.

So, my Samsung laptop can't detect any wifi. There is no wifi toggle in the PC settings. When I go to the WIRELESS tab, there's only the airplane mode (which is off) and bluetooth.

When I click the internet|network button (the one on the lower right side,  the one that looks like signal (can be seen usually near the laptopbattery icon)), it says "NO CONNECTION ARE AVAILABLE."

I don't think that there's a problem with my modem or router because the other laptops/phones can connect just fine.

August 25th, 2013 5:00am


Is wifi turned on?  Have you tried re-installing the wifi driver?

More often than not when a device isnt working it is because the driver has become corrupted. Re-installing a fresh copy should help

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August 25th, 2013 12:45pm

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